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Case number:


Type of case:

Restrictive agreement

Undertaking(s) concerned:

  • EUROMEDIC-PHARMA Gyógyszernagykereskedelmi Zrt.
  • HUNGAROPHARMA Gyógyszerkereskedelmi Zrt.
  • TEVA Gyógyszergyár Zrt.
  • MEZADIN Piackutató és Marketing-kommunikációs Kft.
  • PharmAudit Kft. (under winding up)

Short description:

Three pharmaceutical wholesalers, with the active collaboration of two consultant companies, influenced a medicine public procurement by harmonising their prices and sharing the market.


The GVH established that the undertakings committed a single, complex and continuous infringement aiming at and having the effect of the restriction of competition during a public procurement procedure when they manipulated the procurement notice and prior to the submission of their offers they set their respective prices in contemplation of the prices of each other, they shared the market among one another.

The GVH imposed a total fine of almost HUF 2.5 billion (EUR 8 million).


14 September 2015

English summary of the decision in PDF