Budapest, 16 Szeptember 2024 – The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) is investigating the implementation of the commitments undertaken by SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. (Spar) in the framework of a follow-up investigation. During the prior investigation, which was closed in December 2020 by the GVH, the retailer has undertaken to set up a new regional supplier system, increasing the sales opportunities of Hungarian small-scale suppliers and creating new jobs. In the course of the ongoing proceedings, the GVH is investigating whether Spar has implemented its voluntary commitments under the remedy programme in full and on time.

In the course of the investigation, which ended in December 2020, the GVH revealed that Spar had engaged in illegal purchasing practices and abused its significant market power. The GVH found that Spar's bonus scheme unjustifiably and unilaterally imposed fees on suppliers to allow their products to be placed on the shelves of the retail chain.

As a result of the proceedings - in addition to confirming the infringements - the Competition Council of the GVH ordered the company to implement a complex commitment programme of around HUF 1.7 billion. This included the creation of entirely new jobs that did not previously exist.

Spar has undertaken to establish six regional supplier centres (Győr, Hódmezővásárhely, Nyíregyháza, Pécs, Székesfehérvár, Zalaegerszeg) to increase sales opportunities for Hungarian small-scale local suppliers. The company has undertaken to provide 90% of the opportunities under the regional structure to new micro, small and medium-sized suppliers. Spar has also undertaken to provide training to suppliers in the fields of quality audit, logistics, warehousing and marketing.

In all cases, the Competition Authority will consistently investigate compliance with the obligations imposed by its decision. The GVH hereby stresses the need for companies to comply fully and correctly with the obligations set out in its decisions. In the event of failure to comply or failure to provide proof, the GVH may impose significant fines on the undertaking concerned. The GVH recalls that it imposed a record-breaking fine (of follow-up investigations) of nearly HUF 400 million on Booking in July 2024.

Official registration number of the case: VJ/32/2024.

GVH Public Service Communications Section

Further information:

Bálint Horváth, Head of Communication +36 20 238 6939

Katalin Gondolovics, Spokesperson +36 30 603 1170

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