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GVH annual report 2008 submitted to Parliament

The president of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) submitted the annual report 2008 of the authority to Parliament on 30 June 2009.

As stated in the Competition Act, the president of the GVH reports annually to Parliament on the activities of the authority and on the basis of its law enforcement experience, on how fairness and freedom of competition are observed. On 30 June 2009 the president of the GVH submitted the annual report 2008 to Parliament. The report is available in Hungarian on the webpage of the GVH:

Similarly to the previous years, the GVH - on the basis of its law enforcement experience - proposed some recommendations to Parliament in the report 2008.

One of the recommendations is related to the regulation of the mortgage loan market and mortgage credit institutions. The GVH suggests that Parliament pass laws promoting effective competition in the mortgage loan market, hereby making State subsidies portable, and by the development of the regulation of mortgage credit institutions it should make statutes that - by fostering the possibility of bank switching - would facilitate consumer mobility and limit the possibility of credit institutions enjoying asymmetric benefits in contractual relationships.

The other suggestion of the GVH concerns the system and regulation of the originality examination of vehicles. In November 2008 the GVH published its related competition policy standpoint, which is available in Hungarian at the webpage of the GVH:

( ). According to the GVH, the present system of the originality examination of vehicles should be reviewed in order to decrease the related social expenses. Taking into consideration the real effects, it is necessary to think over the circle and reason of this mandatory service, task division between government bodies and market players, furthermore a system of regulations that enables the latter to function effectively and protects consumers- interest.

Budapest, 2 July 2009.

Hungarian Competition Authority
Communication Group

Further information:
Baráth Erika
Hungarian Competition Authority
Address: 1054 Budapest, V., Alkotmány u. 5
Postal address: 1245 Budapest 5, POB 1036