Press release of the Hungarian Competition Authority
Fines for bid rigging on eight construction companies
The Competition Council of the Hungarian competition authority (GVH) imposed a fine of HUF 593,9 million (ca. EUR 2,4 million) on 8 construction companies for the rigging of their bids in respect of a road construction work put out to tender. The bids in the public procurement deal were invited by the Municipality of Budapest. The members of the cartel agreed which one of them was to win the public procurement contract and to employ then the others as subcontractors to the project.
On 16 September 2005, the Competition Council found that the practice of the following undertakings had the potential to restrict competition and, therefore, imposed fines on them.
Alterra Rt. |
7 200 000 |
ca. EUR |
29 000 |
Betonút Rt. |
68 000 000 |
ca. EUR |
274 000 |
EGÚT Rt. |
74 700 000 |
ca. EUR |
300 000 |
Hídépítő Rt. |
182 500 000 |
ca. EUR |
735 000 |
Mélyépítő Kft. |
32 400 000 |
ca. EUR |
130 000 |
Mota Rt. |
29 500 000 |
ca. EUR |
118 000 |
Strabag Rt. |
182 600 000 |
ca. EUR |
736 000 |
Swietelsky Kft. |
17 000 000 |
ca. EUR |
68 000 |
total |
593 900 000 |
ca. EUR |
2 400 000 |
No infringement was found to be committed by Hídtechnika Kft., Betonplasztika Kft. and Vegyépszer Rt., and the proceedings against them were terminated.
The fine calculation based on the total value of the public procurements published in 2001 and 2002, that is HUF 11,6 billion (ca. EUR 46,8 million).
The GVH started its investigation in 2001 and continued it during the year 2002. The investigation found that the anticompetitive practices covered all the 11 procurements in 2001 with two exceptions and one third of the 33 procurements in 2002.
The existence of a cartel agreement was evidenced by private records of board members of two undertakings of the cartel.
Bid rigging is one of the most serious and, therefore, most seriously punishable infringements according to the legal practice of the European Union, as it directly distorts the allocation of sources.
In calculating the amount of fine, in line with its previous resolutions, the Competition Council took into account the fact that the infringement concerned public money, hence it affected social interests to an increased extent.
Budapest, 16 September 2005
Further information:
Dr. Horváth Anita
press manager
Gazdasági Versenyhivatal
address: 1054 Budapest, V., Alkotmány u.5.
mail: 1245 Budapest, 5. Pf. 1036
tel: (+36-1) 472-8966
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