Dear Colleagues, Dear Esteemed Guests,

It is my great pleasure to invite you all to the 50th European Competition Day, organised in Budapest. With a history stretching back some 25 years, the European Competition Day has become a long-standing tradition among the competition authorities of the European Union. It is a great privilege to host this event and to welcome our colleagues from all over Europe.

Even in the most challenging times, our dedication to competition and our common mission unites us all. I believe that this is the true spirit of the European Competition Day and of the European family itself.

As part of the official programme of the Hungarian EU Presidency, we would like to support the priorities set by the Presidency, including the acceleration of the enlargement process in the Western Balkans. The Hungarian Competition Authority has consistently prioritised cooperation with the regional competition authorities, with a focus on promoting harmonisation with EU competition law where relevant.

In this spirit, the GVH extended an invitation to the competition authorities of the EU candidate countries, with the aim of giving them the opportunity to feel a part of the European family and to provide a platform for further cooperation.

Dear Colleagues,

We are committed to providing you with an exceptional experience here in Budapest. With this is mind, we have put together a programme that we believe will be both interesting and engaging for all attendees. The 50th European Competition Day will address a number of key issues, including the modern challenges of competition enforcement, the experiences surrounding the DMA so far, the relationship between sustainability and antitrust, and the future challenges for competition policy regarding AI.

As the conference date approaches, we will be in touch with further information and details.

We look forward to seeing you all in Budapest.