The aim of the cooperation agreement which has been made between the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) and the National Transport Authority (NKH) is to mutually help each other’s activity on the market of rail transport and passenger transport services.
The cooperation obligation between the GVH and the NKH is regulated by the acts on rail transport and on passenger transport services. Recently, the two authorities have successfully supported each other’s work, among other things, in certain competition supervision proceedings initiated by the GVH and in market research.
The aim of the present agreement is that when the GVH and the NKH carry out their duties,
they contribute to the reliable and transparent operation of transport markets and
their development, which is based on fair competition and facilitating effective competition,
and they enhance trust in certain transport services and passenger transport services.
A further aim of the agreement is the strengthening of the cooperation that exists between the presidents of the authorities. This will be achieved through expert consultations concerning the professional and practical issues faced by the authorities, and through discussions on joint law enforcement. Moreover, they shall inform each other if they identify a problem that involves the competence of the partner authority, or if in their opinion, an amendment of the law is necessary.
The intention of the GVH and the NKH is that a high level of cooperation and equal partnership will increase the efficiency of their law enforcement activities and other duties. Moreover, it will create an environment where, besides the cooperation provided for by law, they can mutually support each other’s activities and foster awareness and acknowledgment of each other’s work. In order to effectively carry out market surveillance activities, the two authorities continuously and mutually look for further forms of cooperation besides the ones provided for in this agreement in the area of subsectors of aviation, shipping and road transport.
The details of the cooperation between the GVH and the NKH can be found in the agreement made between the authorities, the full text of which is available on the webpages and
Budapest, 8 January 2016
Further information:
Competition Authority
Transport Authority
Spokesperson |
Alkotmány u. 5., H-1054 Budapest, |
Teréz krt. 38., H-1066 Budapest, |
Phone: +36 1 4728902 |
Phone: +36 1 373 1487 |