Csaba Balázs Rigó participated in a roundtable discussion on competitiveness in Tusványos

Budapest, 25 July 2024 – „Minimising administrative barriers and creating a level playing field is a key condition for the take-up of new technologies and the creation of competitive businesses and sectors.” – stressed Csaba Balázs Rigó, President of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) in a panel discussion at the 33rd Bálványosi Szabadegyetem and Diáktábor – Free University and Student Camp („Tusványos”). He added: "Trade rules that serve geopolitical interests will in the long run harm the economic interests of the European Union and its member states."

From 23 to 28 July 2024, the 33rd Bálványosi Szabadegyetem and Diáktábor („Tusványos”) will take place. On the morning of Thursday 25 July, a round table discussion with the title "Competitiveness and the European recession - EU Presidency" was held in the framework of the Szabadegyetem, with the participation of Csaba Balázs Rigó, President of the GVH.

The panel discussion looked in detail at the reasons for Europe's weak competitiveness. The President of the GVH explained: "In recent years, Europe has lagged behind in the development and implementation of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and 5G, and this is a major competitiveness problem."

"The importance of consumer and privacy-centric regulation, like the recent DMA and DSA, is unquestionable." - emphasizedBalázs Csaba Rigó. "However, over-regulation and bureaucratic obstacles hamper competitiveness, innovation and the emergence of national and European "champions", so-called flagship companies, and are thus a clear barrier to consumer welfare." - he stressed. The President of the GVH stated that: "If we talk about European competitiveness, we must first and foremost put the interests and well-being of consumers first, and actively communicate with European companies, and seek their views on all important strategic and regulatory issues".

"In the period ahead, the European Union must focus on innovation, the dismantling of administrative barriers, the revitalisation and acceleration of enlargement policy and the reversal of demographic trends." - he said.The Hungarian Competition Authority has given priority to these issues in recent years. For example, at the beginning of 2024, the GVH launched a market analysis to explore the impacts and risks of artificial intelligence, and is actively supporting the key objectives of the ongoing Hungarian EU Presidency.

The GVH contributes significantly to the education and preparation of competition authorities in the Western Balkans region for the EU in order to promote enlargement policy. The Hungarian Competition Authority has been playing a central role in this area for decades through the Budapest Regional Centre for Competition (RCC), which is run jointly with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). As Csaba Balázs Rigó emphasised in the panel discussion, "the enlargement of the European Union to the Western Balkans is an important issue of national interest for Hungary and also a key issue for the competitiveness of the EU".

The roundtable discussion was attended by Csaba Balázs Rigó, Bogdan Marius Chirițoiu, President of the Romanian Competition Council, Gyula Winkler, Member of the European Parliament and Csaba Polacsek, Partner at PwC Hungary. The panel was moderated by Jenő Mátis, National Vice President of the Hungarian National Council of Transylvania.  


GVH Public Service Communications Section

Further information:

Bálint Horváth, Head of Communication +36 20 238 6939

Katalin Gondolovics, Spokesperson +36 30 603 1170

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