Budapest, 9 October 2024 – The OECD's Committee on Consumer Policy held a two-day high-level meeting in Paris, attended by Csaba Balázs Rigó, President of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH).  During the conference, participants discussed the digital and green transition from a consumer protection perspective. Csaba Balázs Rigó stressed: "Consumers and their interests must clearly be at the heart of the digital and green transition. Consumers always come first!"

The OECD's Committee on Consumer Policy organised its first ever Ministerial-level meeting in Paris from 8 to 9 October 2024. During the two-day event, participants discussed two main topics from a consumer perspective: the digital and the green transition. The conference explored the means to put consumers at the heart of digital development and the transition to a green and sustainable economy, to ensure that developments and measures are in the best interest of consumers.

The first day of the event focused on the digital transition. In his address, Csaba Balázs Rigó, President of the GVH, said: "In recent years, the Hungarian Competition Authority has paid increasing attention to the emerging digital world. In the past few years, the GVH has taken successful actions against a number of global technology companies, such as Google, Apple and TikTok." The President of the GVH also underlined that: "It is our priority to thoroughly investigate and understand new technologies, such as artificial intelligence. With this aim, we launched a market analysis in early 2024, which will be completed soon."

The Hungarian Competition Authority launched a market analysis in early 2024 to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence on competition and consumers' transactional decisions. The GVH recognises that the rise of AI could bring widespread social and economic benefits, but the technology could also pose a threat to fair competition and leave consumers more vulnerable.

On the second day of the high-level meeting, participants discussed consumer issues related to green transition. Csaba Balázs Rigó highlighted: "The role of consumer protection in the green transition is to give consumers the tools they need to make objective, evidence-based decisions." "In today's changing world, it is not enough for authorities to react to market developments, they must also find proactive solutions and formulate proposals in the interests of consumers." – he added.

The Hungarian Competition Authority completed its market analysis of "green claims" used in the advertising of certain products in early 2024. The GVH found, among other things, that many companies use green marketing for brand building, while the majority of consumers find it difficult to navigate confusing green messages. The GVH therefore recommended to the legislator, among other things, the development of a multi-tiered, state-regulated labelling system for sustainability and environmental impact.

The presidents, leaders and representatives of the organisations attending the Paris meeting signed a joint declaration on the second day of the conference. Through the declaration, the organisations committed themselves, among other things, to strengthening consumer protection against green claims and the risks associated with digital development, and to educating consumers through suitable means. The GVH has also launched its Gondolja Végig Higgadtan campaign for domestic consumers with this aim in mind.

GVH Public Service Communications Section

Further information:

Bálint Horváth, Head of Communication +36 20 238 6939

Katalin Gondolovics, Spokesperson +36 30 603 1170

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